Для меня - мотивация в железе, внутренняя. Низкочастотные ядра не дают играть в новое, а по многопотоку силушка имеется. Внешней мотивации почти тоже не осталось, раньше - коммьюнити, сейчас - телега мозги любит. Ссылку на веб чат не разрешили, сообщение снесли. Понятное дело что: умер тут, в РФ, а технологии добываются там, в US. И уж потом каким-то образом доходят до Европы, нас и общепринятой практики вообще. Как международная наука и медицина выкрутится из этой санкционной истории, мне вообще не понятно.
_________________ "...Никем не ставший, зачем ты жил?!..."
Статус: Не в сети Регистрация: 01.10.2011 Откуда: Калининград Фото: 0
Молодцы, что сказать. Люди видеокарты покупали чуть ли не ради фолдинга, сколько на них киловатт и денег угроблено, а они сначала всех с криптовалютой прокатили, "к которой не имеют никакого отношения", а теперь ещё видать русские IP блокируют. Учёные называются.
TSC! Russia member
Статус: Не в сети Регистрация: 23.12.2006 Откуда: Rīga Фото: 0
так, на минуточку! FLDC были инициативой сторонней, энтузиастов..к этому доктора не имеют никакого отношения (еще раз подчеркиваю). Не нужно путать всем известные вещи и мешать теплое с мягким. Это , как мин, несолидно для человека, который может открыть сайт и прочитать - кто и чем занимается. И кто не занимается. Для особо ленивых на этот вопрос сами доктора даже на форуме фолдинга отвечали по началу работы монетизации вычислений фолдинга - что не надо их привлекать к разборам с криптой, к которой они не имеют отношения. Они занимаются только проектом, только наукой и основной принцип, как у остальных проектов - ДРВ (добровольные распредел... ну вы поняли).
Fri guest_97 on cn Fri guest_97 cartoon network Fri Quantos Yeah, I haven't seen it in ages either Fri Quantos Not new ones I mean 01:15 guest_27 How do i get my password box to appear on the front of my laptop. 02:10 patio whatever.. 02:25 guest_97 hello need help 02:25 guest_97 I Undoes my OC on my 5950x 02:25 guest_97 it is running stock now 02:25 guest_97 whenever im running a game 02:26 guest_97 it is consuming 1.479 volts 02:26 guest_97 is this safe? 02:26 guest_97 i clear cmos and uninstalled ryzen master. reset all overclocks 02:26 guest_97 at stock it is taking that high voltage 02:27 guest_97 is there something wrong with my system 02:27 guest_97 on reddit i swa safe voltage is 1.35 02:29 guest_97 pls help somebody im loosing my mind 02:54 guest_97 clear cmos another time 02:55 guest_97 1.42 volts? 02:55 guest_97 safe for 5950x? 03:59 infowars 1.4 to 1.5 is normal 04:16 guest_07 hi 05:18 modelofmath Hello 05:21 modelofmath My computer is a chrome book and it keeps making me cry emotionally what can i do 05:24 modelofmath I drooled all over my pillow last time i slept... should i go back to sleep?? chromebook making noise again 11:06 *** Deuce-HK joined #computerhope Welcome to the Computer Hope chat - http://www.computerhope.com (Free computer help and support) please don't ask to ask. Just *ask* your question and be patient, if you get no reply please ask in our forums http://www.computerhope.com/forum Topic set by lostcoast on Fri Sep 02 2011 19:49:56 GMT+0400 (Самарское стандартное время) 11:30 *** guest_80 joined #computerhope 11:31 *** guest_80 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 12:40 system You have disconnected from the server 01:15 guest_27 How do i get my password box to appear on the front of my laptop. 02:10 patio whatever.. 02:25 guest_97 hello need help 02:25 guest_97 I Undoes my OC on my 5950x 02:25 guest_97 it is running stock now 02:25 guest_97 whenever im running a game 02:26 guest_97 it is consuming 1.479 volts 02:26 guest_97 is this safe? 02:26 guest_97 i clear cmos and uninstalled ryzen master. reset all overclocks 02:26 guest_97 at stock it is taking that high voltage 02:27 guest_97 is there something wrong with my system 02:27 guest_97 on reddit i swa safe voltage is 1.35 02:29 guest_97 pls help somebody im loosing my mind 02:54 guest_97 clear cmos another time 02:55 guest_97 1.42 volts? 02:55 guest_97 safe for 5950x? 03:59 infowars 1.4 to 1.5 is normal 04:16 guest_07 hi 05:18 modelofmath Hello 05:21 modelofmath My computer is a chrome book and it keeps making me cry emotionally what can i do 05:24 modelofmath I drooled all over my pillow last time i slept... should i go back to sleep?? chromebook making noise again 12:37 guest_91 hey 16:18 guest_09 hello 16:18 guest_09 i am vishv from india 16:19 guest_09 i want to help 17:45 *** Deuce-HK joined #computerhope Welcome to the Computer Hope chat - http://www.computerhope.com (Free computer help and support) please don't ask to ask. Just *ask* your question and be patient, if you get no reply please ask in our forums http://www.computerhope.com/forum Topic set by lostcoast on Fri Sep 02 2011 19:49:56 GMT+0400 (Самарское стандартное время) 18:27 *** LostCoast joined #computerhope 19:02 patio POIT !! 19:08 *** Quantos joined #computerhope 19:25 Quantos NARF !!! 19:32 Deuce-HK Hello 19:44 LostCoast 21:16 Quantos LMAO, I know the pain 21:26 Quantos That meme is Candi approved 21:27 Quantos She giggled all the way down the hall 21:27 Quantos You did good Kemosabe 21:32 --- Deuce-HK is away (Auto away) 21:59 Deuce-HK Kemosabe this word I could hear in GTA San Andreas? 21:59 --- Deuce-HK is back 22:00 Quantos Unlikely 22:00 Quantos I think it's a Comanche word 22:01 Quantos Nope, it isn't 22:02 Quantos Apparently it's completely fictional 22:02 Quantos LMAO 22:02 Quantos The most common interpretation for it means 'good friend' or 'trusted friend' 22:02 Quantos Apparently 22:04 Quantos However, since it's been in popular use for a bit more than the last century it might actually be considered a real word by now 22:14 *** guest_29 joined #computerhope 22:16 guest_29 Hi need some advice I can’t boot into my windows 10 pro as before when I was using it it crashed and had to shut down now won’t boot up or reinstall windows could my hard drive be at fault? 22:16 *** guest_29 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 22:16 Quantos It could 22:19 *** guest_29 joined #computerhope 22:19 Quantos Is it an SSD or an HDD 22:20 Quantos guest_29??? 22:21 guest_29 Quantos I think it’s HDD can’t tell 22:21 *** guest_29 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 22:22 *** guest_29 joined #computerhope 22:26 guest_29 Quantos is there a way to find out? I had my computer for more then 3 years so could be old HDD 22:26 *** guest_29 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 22:27 *** guest_29 joined #computerhope 22:27 Quantos How competent are you inside of the computer case guest_29? 22:27 Quantos Would you know how to tell the difference by looking 22:27 guest_29 No but can gain assess if needed @quantos 22:28 *** guest_29 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 22:30 *** guest_29 joined #computerhope 22:30 *** guest_29 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 22:55 *** Quantos_ joined #computerhope 22:55 *** Quantos quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Quantos_)) 22:55 *** Quantos_ is now known as Quantos 23:15 *** Quantos quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) 23:15 *** Quantos joined #computerhope 23:15 Quantos LMAO, figured out FINALLY why I've been dropping the connection so much lately 23:16 Quantos Windoze has been putting my NIC to sleep 23:16 Quantos I absolutely KNOW that I've already disabled that, no idea how it got enabled again 23:20 Deuce-HK How that happen diametral my screen doesnt sleep due to Skype that I closed just now 23:21 Quantos Huh?? 23:32 Deuce-HK Or ICQ doesnt put my screen into sleep mode 23:32 Deuce-HK Well I should 23:33 Deuce-HK Maybe it is a fluctuation of my mind before the night makes my consciousness off 23:33 Deuce-HK It always like that 23:34 Deuce-HK I go sleep 00:03 *** klarion2 joined #computerhope 00:04 *** klarion quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) 00:22 *** guest_02 joined #computerhope 00:22 guest_02 Hi - I could someone please help me with a laptop recommendation ? 00:23 guest_02 I came on here 4 years ago and the recommendation was spot on - I’m hoping for the same thing again! M 00:23 *** Quantos quit (Read error) 00:25 *** guest_02 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 00:38 *** guest_56 joined #computerhope 00:38 guest_56 I am guest 2 but joined on laptop 00:39 guest_56 is this laptop any good? https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/laptops/amd/spd/inspiron-14-5425-laptop/cn54405sc 00:39 guest_56 I am a lawyer - i want something light and reliable 00:39 guest_56 i'll be using it for work - no gaming - might watch netflix etc 00:52 *** Quantos joined #computerhope 00:59 *** guest_56 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 01:03 *** guest_63 joined #computerhope 01:03 *** guest_63 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 01:08 *** guest_30 joined #computerhope 01:08 *** guest_30 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 01:21 *** guest_27 joined #computerhope 01:21 *** guest_27 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 01:29 *** guest_93 joined #computerhope 01:30 guest_93 Hi. I am trying to go to this website that I do my school work on and it is not connecting to it. When I try to go on other websites that is not a school website. it connects without a problem. I troubleshoot it and it says the DBS is unavailable but next to it says Detected. What could that mean? 01:30 guest_93 DNS 01:31 *** klarion2 quit (Quit: ) 01:34 --- Deuce-HK is away (Auto away) 01:35 *** guest_93 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 02:35 *** guest_83 joined #computerhope 02:36 guest_83 hi 02:36 guest_83 netherworld here 02:37 guest_83 my pc stable but it just bothers me that someone with a 6600 xt get more fps than me (6800 xt) and he has the same cpu it still stutters sometimes (fortnite) 02:58 *** guest_83 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03:47 *** guest_65 joined #computerhope 03:48 *** guest_65 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 05:48 infowars the guy has a stable full of pc's 05:49 Quantos Cool 05:49 LostCoast but he left the barn door open 07:09 *** guest_25 joined #computerhope 07:11 *** guest_25 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 08:24 *** guest_81 joined #computerhope 08:24 guest_81 hello 08:24 guest_81 was wondering if there was an open source api for history events? 08:25 *** guest_81 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 08:30 Deuce-HK why not use it on just windows? 08:30 --- Deuce-HK is back 08:34 Quantos Probably not running windoze 08:45 Deuce-HK Okay first what came into the head is some web server that serves files of eventwvr.msc 08:47 *** guest_40 joined #computerhope 08:49 guest_40 cpu constantly at 90 C while cinebench r23 stress testing for 30 mins straight. 50-60 on everyday use. is this normal or something wrong cpu? 08:50 *** guest_12 joined #computerhope 08:50 Quantos What CPU and motherboard 08:50 guest_40 5950x x570 aorus master 08:50 guest_40 can 90 C for 30 mins straight cause physical damage? 08:50 Quantos Yeah, that's about right 08:50 Deuce-HK guest_40 tell me please what cooling system of the CPU and case 08:51 *** guest_12 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 08:51 Quantos That's fine readings guest_40 08:51 Quantos Your thermal limit is 95 ℃ 08:51 guest_40 Deuce-HK noctua nhd15 chromax and lian li lan cool ii mesh 08:52 guest_40 Quantos: so no physical damage to my cpu core? 08:52 Quantos No 08:52 Quantos My i9 9900k hits 100 ℃ on R23 08:52 guest_40 Quantos: are you absolutely sure? sorry for being rude. my ocd keeps making me think that 08:52 Quantos But I'm also pushing 5.1GHz all cores 08:53 Quantos Yes, I'm sure 08:54 guest_40 Quantos: thank you. now I regain peace of mind 08:54 Quantos Anytime mate 08:55 guest_40 wait. your 9900k goes to 100 C. does it stay there as long cine r23 is running? or does the temp drops in middle and climbs up again? 08:56 Quantos I can lock it there 08:56 Quantos And yeah, no issues 08:57 guest_40 Quantos: does it degrade cpu life? 08:57 Deuce-HK hey Quantos your CPU is real deal! do you run distributed computing at least few hours a day? 08:59 Quantos I am most definitely not 09:00 Quantos This system does most of it's time doing renders 09:00 Deuce-HK No shit got it 09:01 Quantos Or extrapolating something in a sim 09:02 Quantos I probably would if I had spare time for it 09:03 guest_40 Quantos: just one last time confirming before I stop bothering you. running cinebench at 90 C on 5950x for "30 mins straight" is completely safe? is that correct? 09:03 Quantos Mmmm, I lied, there is one concentrated cluster working on something - you could say it's distributed computing 09:04 Quantos Yeah 09:06 Deuce-HK guest_40 not bad cooling but I think you should knock around of 5°C off your system 09:07 Deuce-HK 5950x great gaming CPU but im lazy son of a princess to earn 09:08 guest_40 Deuce-HK: prime95 keeps my temps at 80 C they why cinebench pushes it to 90 C ? 09:09 Deuce-HK https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Smi8vAbm_8o&list=RDAMVMqXI87eMP-bs 09:10 Deuce-HK guest_40 I never ran CB but Prime95 also doesnt make my CPU as hot as AIDA64 FPU only does. 09:11 guest_40 Deuce-HK: temps? how hot on aida64? 09:13 guest_40 Deuce-HK: and if you can kindly let me know what are your temps on prime as well 09:13 Deuce-HK guest_40 it will take several hours to tell you exact number. 50 and 63 thats the corridor 09:14 guest_40 Deuce-HK: while stress testing? 09:14 Deuce-HK going to take a look... 09:16 Quantos You have no idea what you are talking about Deuce-HK 09:16 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to Quantos 09:16 --- Quantos has banned ~q:*!*@5DD27830.54FF8B2A.D8D67CB2.IP 09:16 +++ ChanServ has taken halfop from Quantos 09:18 Deuce-HK sorry about the princess ( 09:18 Cannot send to channel: #computerhope 09:19 Deuce-HK wh 09:19 Cannot send to channel: #computerhope 09:20 guest_40 Quantos: hey sorry i had one doubt. is that 5.1GHz all cores on your 9900k manually done from bios? and how much volts did you put? 09:20 *** guest_74 joined #computerhope 09:20 Quantos My CPU is in the top 2% of binned i9 9900k 09:20 *** guest_74 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 09:21 Quantos Most people with a KS can't achieve my OC 09:22 guest_40 Quantos: hmm. what volts? 09:22 Quantos I don't discuss my OC's 09:22 guest_40 oh sorry 09:22 guest_40 sorry 09:23 Quantos It's okay 09:23 Quantos It's just OT for the channel 09:23 Deuce-HK I didnt put what I told on enybody else excluding myself. 09:23 Cannot send to channel: #computerhope Welcome to the Computer Hope chat - http://www.computerhope.com (Free computer help and support) please don't ask to ask. Just *ask* your question and be patient, if you get no reply please ask in our forums http://www.computerhope.com/forum Menu
_________________ "...Никем не ставший, зачем ты жил?!..."
Ну мы беслпатно же кранчим, а ты о деньгах.. Прямо как-то неуютно стало. У меня когда 3 сервера в России работали то в месяц только они примерно 10-15 к за электричество съедалось. Пик был когда воткнул коллега то ли 5 то ли 6 серверов на каждом по 3 виртуалки на вин7 пришёл счет за электричество 35 к (разница с "обычным" режимом их работы составила 25 тыс)
Статус: Не в сети Регистрация: 24.11.2002 Откуда: New Mexico, USA Фото: 42
Vaga Не, моя лицензия не даёт доступа. Там отдельная подписка. Кстати, там естт бесплатный 30 дневный доступ, а платную подписку можно к тому времени отменить.
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